You might be surprised to find out that there is increasingly more scientific studies and research done into ASMR, its effectiveness and benefits. Even if not everyone responds in form of tingles/'braingasm' (about 65% of receivers experience this phenomenon) it still has a deeply relaxing effect. Everyone experiences ASMR differently. Let us look at just some health benefits a receiver of ASMR can receive.
Lower heart rate and increases skin conductance
Activate certain brain regions
Lowers heart rate
Supports relaxation
Increases a sense of calm
Alleviation of stress
Anxiety reduction
Help with panic disorders
Help with sleep
Alleviation of sadness
Positive improvement in mood and alleviation of depression
Help with AD(H)D in way of a better focus
Alleviation of chronic pain
Everybody perceives ASMR differently and can feel receiving different benefits from this alternative relaxation modality. We offer LIVE customised ASMR sessions in London with or without your personalised affirmations for the best benefit. Try for yourself today 💛
Health Benefits of ASMR, ASMR University.